Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 87...Stay the course, even if.......

Day 87....Stay the course, even if......

This saying I found is definitely one that speaks to me. This is a long journey. The newness of starting a journey (diet, new year's resolution, project, etc.) has so much energy behind it. We all have it planned out, etc.!! That is why it always involves Monday, next month, next year,....because we can plan so well. I always said that I am a good beginner but terrible with follow through or finishing what I started. Even on this current and very public journey, I know that the beginning was going to be easy. Connecting with so many people I have lost contact with, such motivating comments, an AMAZING trainer, and now another trainer and nutritionalist, the love and support of my family and friends.........well after a bit of time, routine sets in, the day to day takes on the same grind and what once was new soon becomes just part of anyone's day.  It is so hard sometimes to keep reminding myself that I NO LONGER need seconds or thirds of my meals, bad foods, etc. I still don't think I am someone that can just cheat a little bit. I am staying strong and everytime I make it another day, I feel more confident that I am taking back the control with my food consumption. So...the hard part is the time WAY AFTER YOU PUT YOUR PLAN IN MOTION. I am going to have bad days, craving days, emotional days, days when I just want to give up, days when I look in the mirror after 6 months and say.....am I DONE YET???!!!  Nope... I will have a lot more time to go.  Don't give up. Join me and tell me your struggles. Tell me your goals. Let's help each other!! I know I will be here and so far your support is giving me that extra push and accountability when I need it most.

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