Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day 61.....Medicine ball.

Day 61....Medicine ball.

Ha ha ha!!! So this little video may not look very impressive but believe me....this medicine ball is part of a four round circuit and it keeps getting heavier. I finish it and move on to another exercise and when I come back to it, the trainer has magically retrieved a heavier one. No one pushes me more than when someone is actively watching me, encouraging me (sometimes yelling at me), preparing a workout, setting it up, and making the weights and medicine balls heavier DURING the workout!!! I wish I could push myself to that point (where you want to throw-up, scream at the trainer, cry, throw the weights down and bolt for the open door) when working out on my own. In the meantime, I am so happy that I am getting that extra push twice a week from someone other than myself, even though there are times when I just TRULY WANT TO GIVE UP BECAUSE IT IS JUST TOO HARD. But, oh my gosh!!!!!.......I feel sooooooo good afterwards. When I am working out alone, at times I notice I am getting stronger so I push myself by increasing the speed, incline, or weights.  However, increasing the weight of a medicine ball DURING the workout seems to be only a trick the trainer is doing because at no time am I running back to where the medicine balls are and grabbing a heavier one because the one I am using is too light!!! Ha ha ha ha!!!

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