Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 46...Nervous!!

Day 46....Nervous!!

I have been on a fresh food delivery program, that pre-portions, fresh food at a total of 1200 calories a day that is tasty. However, I received an email the other day that said they will postpone the food for four days during Thanksgiving. I will have to feed myself during those days. I completely understand because I truly believe everyone should have time off. I wasn't planning on doing this program forever, I just wasn't prepared to practice so soon. I feel confident that I will get through this. I am just a bit nervous. Do I plan every bite? Do I allow one meal to splurge? Do I allow a whole day of splurging? I have to keep in mind my goals and ask myself....."Does this plan align with my goals?" To be continued..........I have been following some people on Instagram that post some great healthy meal options. I am thankful for the community of people who are on the same path.


  1. Let's focus on what we're thankful for those 4 days. I know that I am very thankful for a beautiful daughter who is on the an amazing journey. The food is not that important. What is important is our family will be together, sharing a meal and loving each other.

    1. Thank you so much mom!! 💜💜 Family is the purpose but your cooking is AMAZING!!!

  2. Look how much stronger and thinner your neck is!
    And I understand your angst. I am going through the same thing. I have 2 Thanksgiving dinners to go to that are chock-full of skinny people who bring the most amazing and fattening things. Sigh. My big plan is to drink a whole bunch of water 20 min before the food comes out, spend less time in the kitchen and more time in the living room, and assign someone to bring me my food.

    1. That is a great plan!!! Water water water!! I can just envision you assigning someone to fetch your meal. I love it!!

  3. And don't forget to plan for your own strategies ahead of time for Christmas. Yee-Gods ... we have to do it all over again? Next year I plan to be at Fitness Ridge from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
