Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 1...Emerging from the self-imposed cocoon

Day ....1     Stats: Age 40, Height 5'8",  Weight 378, Measurements: Waist 56", Hips 70", Bust 56", Thighs 34", Arms 19", Calves 22". Body fat 56%.

My name is Tracy. In an effort to start a weight loss journey, it was suggested that I put myself out there for the world to see. This is completely against every feeling I have.  I hide, I never want pictures taken of me, I never take pictures of myself, I rarely go out unless it is for work, the grocery store and until recently the drive-thrus.  I recently got back from a two week life-changing experience, and if not for that experience, I am not sure I would have the courage to do this. Fitness Ridge in St. George, Utah has made this possible. I went there knowing that I would not be able to lose the 250 lbs. needed to get back to a doctor recommended "Healthy weight," but maybe gain the hope that there is still a chance that I can lose this weight naturally without surgery. The atmosphere and the program at Fitness Ridge did just that....I feel ready to take on the world!  As I start my journey, I will open up about me, my daily workouts, food struggles, etc. Stay tuned........


  1. You've got this! I'll be right there with you once this baby boy arrives next month. I think about you often and will pray for you as you go through this journey :)

  2. Sending all kinds of love and encouragement! xoxo

  3. You are such an inspiration Tracy! You definitely can get this done. Have faith in yourself. are stronger than you might realize. :) I think of you often.

  4. You can and will succeed Tracy! Your uncle Chuck and I believe in you and give you all our love on this journey. Do it for you!!
