Monday, November 24, 2014

Day 51....This will be a LONG journey!!

Day 51....This will be a LONG journey.

Oh yeah, this is a LONG journey!!  I need to remember this when days get rough. I am on a nine day Thanksgiving break from work. I like routine so this will be challenging. I know this about myself. Routine is big. I relish in it, but on the flip side, I have found that when I deviate from that plan a little bit, my life becomes chaotic. It doesn't have to be that way. I have more control than allowing something little to screw things up. I feel like I can be easy going and flexible, but when it comes to taking care of myself, I look for any excuse to fall off the wagon and revert back to old habits.  I have "type A" tendencies and deal with perfectionism in some areas of my life, which I find weird. I have always felt that "Type A/perfectionist people" are structured in all areas of their life.  I think in the past I was in denial about how badly I want to change my lifestyle. If falling off the wagon can be so easily done due to a little deviation in my plan.....then I must not have wanted to change. Ugh!!! That is tough to realize. I want it this time and if/when those tough days hit, I will look back on the below statement and realize that the 51 plus days on this journey cannot possibly be undone with one bad meal or day. Today.....Gym- check, eating clean-check, and drank my water-check!!  I got this!! 

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