Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 47...I am doing this for ME!!

Day 47....I am doing this for ME!!

Fitness Ridge posted this recently and it really spoke to me. I truly believe this!! Am I really doing this for myself? I have spent so much time hiding and feeling sorry for myself. A whole decade went by and I was so afraid no one would love me because of the way I looked. Believe me, this was not all in my head. Some people can be cruel. This is a world where there is a great deal of fat shaming. Also, I have been in some embarrassing situations directly related to my size. Hiding with my comfort food was safer. So much time has gone by and I am afraid that I my have missed my chance to find a partner. I have never been married nor had children. I hope those things are still in my future. I feel that is a big motivation; however, I have not been successful with sheer motivation that relies on external factors. My dad said to me yesterday, "Tracy, regardless of what the future holds for you, YOU are what is most important, and YOU will be happier being healthier. This about YOU."  Thank you Dad!  He is so right. I really really really need to do this for myself. It is not about wearing cute clothes again, dating, running, skiing, having babies, etc.  Those things will be GREAT, but during the quiet times by myself when no one else is watching or around, are my core beliefs truly about getting healthy for me?......I think they are this time!!!


  1. Well said, my daughter. I have nothing to add except I love you.

  2. love your dad!! love your mom! love your brothers and you! can't wait to see you in a month xoxo!
