Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 45....Tough day at work, TRIGGER!

Day 45....Tough day at work, TRIGGER!!

Well...a definite trigger to want to come home and literally eat the WORLD, is having a tough day at work. As a teacher, we have so much responsibility and I always feel I can do MORE. I compare myself to teachers that I think are AMAZING (smarter, more organized, put in more hours, etc.) and I know that I am not at that level. As I address the class and I see yawning, talking, doodling, it makes me question my ability to teach. When a colleague talks about you or a staff member gives you a passive dig, it can be tough. I sit back and wonder, am I cut out for this job. These young minds are so important to mold right. I often ask myself, are the students being inspired and loving to learn, do my students' parents think I am doing a good job, and do my colleagues respect me?? Tough questions, and sometimes I don't have the confidence. Coming home and anesthetizing myself with food would provide me the comfort to face the next day; however, today I dealt with the discomfort. Tomorrow is a new day to make a difference. I know that I care about my students' education, future and happiness. I want to earn the respect of my colleagues and parents. I am a life long student myself and I will continue to grow and improve. 

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