Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 164....Let it go, let it go.

Day 164....Let it go, let it go.

I hate bringing this up but I need to be honest with what is happening. Food is not the answer, nor will it make things better. It will make things worse. This mental issue that believes that food will make it better is taking over recently. When I overcome this lesson, I will come out so much stronger, I just feel it. However, currently it feels like a HUGE battle. But trainer Adam told me today, food may have won this battle but YOU are winning the war. I am so thankful for Adam!!!

I saw this saying the other day and it really speaks to me right now. I hit a few road blocks but it doesn't mean that I have undone everything. I look back just a couple weeks ago and I was so focused and confident that I was thinking there was NO WAY I can be stopped. How can I be so committed and strong just a few short weeks ago and then be rocked by something so ridiculous as what the stupid scale says!!???  My reaction, which is totally within my control has dictated my poor mood and decisions since Sunday morning. What is my problem!!?? I have my health, my legs, arms, a roof over my head, etc. STOP IT TRACY!!! LET IT GO AND TRUST IN THE PROGRAM THAT IS PROVEN SUCCESSFUL!!!

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