Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 13 and 14....Feeling GOOD, but....

Day 13 and 14....Feeling Good, but....

I have been waking up each morning feeling rested. I feel alert and never overly full throughout the day. The food I am eating is yummy and for the most part, keeping me full. (I am still learning to understand what my body is telling me).   My over all mood and body feel great. So why is this feeling not enough to never want to go back to my old ways?  I have spent the last 10 years fighting this battle of serious obesity. Within those last ten years I have had moments of eating healthy and getting regular exercise. Each time I think about how good it feels to not feel so full from food. But I would go back to my old ways. I would binge eat to a point of being so sick and out of commission for hours. I would often take a nap or lie down feeling miserable. Yet, in some ways I really enjoyed my times of eating anything and everything to my heart's content.  Even as I write this I can see how easy it would be for me to binge eat. But let me clarify.  It wouldn't be a once in awhile thing.  I guess what I am describing would be the days, weeks or even months in a row of binge eating. I didn't get this heavy because once in awhile ate a whole pizza, a 2-liter of soda. and some candy in one sitting.  I would go so many days without eating healthy, I would start to crave fresh food that wasn't processed.  I realized that the crap I was eating had diminished returns and this very concept was proven in one of the lectures I attended at Fitness Ridge, Utah.  The wonderful woman I met there, Jen, was talking about the same thing I had come to realize and why I am writing this blog topic today.  Why would I continue to eat so wrong when after awhile it doesn't feel good anymore????  Why would anyone????  Let me tell you guys........This is what would happen.......I would go the whole day without really eating too much and then after work I would drive to the grocery store and buy tons of candy, baked goods, chips, frozen snacks and pizzas, ice cream and soda.  Then I would hit up a drive-thru and buy food to feed two to three people.  This would be a daily occurrence. There were times that I realized I went days without drinking any water.  I drank nothing but regular soda. The only water that came near my mouth was when I brushed my teeth.  I wasn't happy. I rarely felt alert. My body always felt tired. My mind was foggy and my memory was terrible. Here I am feeling good again. Why would I possibly want to go back to feeling lethargic and miserable?  WHY??!!!!!!   No more!!!!  I CHOOSE LIFE!!  Here is a happy morning selfie :-)

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